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Both the bell choir and choir are directed by Dr. Tom Wells, our Minister of Music and Organist. New members are always welcome! Bell Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. and Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings at 8:00 p.m.

Women of Trinity

WoT have a variety of groups and projects. Rachel Circle and Hannah Circle meet once a month. WoT run a Secret Sister exchange throughout the year. See Shirley Griffin for ways to join. 


(Some committee meetings are still being hosted online through Zoom)

Spiritual Formation

The Spiritual Formation Committee oversees Christian education programs for both youth and adults at Old Trinity. A Fourth Saturday Intergenerational Event is offered for children and adults during the school year. For adults, a weekly discussion group is held each Wednesday evening.


The worship committee plans everything related to worship and, for the most part, is responsible for what happens in the sanctuary. Within the context of the church year - which begins the first Sunday in Advent and ends on Christ the King - and the lectionary, we select the liturgy setting to be used and plan each of the services. In past years the committee has worked to find ways to include the children in worship beyond the children’s sermon and asked them to participate in the processional for Pentecost with paper flames and at Thankoffering Sunday by making banners. We also select the music for each service.

Altar Guild is part of the worship committee and is responsible for setting the altar for Communion, and washing the Communion vessels and linens afterward. Altar Guild also changes the paraments to meet the requirements of the liturgical season, polishes the brass and silver, changes the candles, changes the hymn boards and organizes a bi-annual cleaning of the sanctuary, generally Palm Sunday weekend and around Reformation Sunday. Members of the altar guild usually work in pairs and serve a month at a time. 

The worship committee also oversees the worship leaders. Worship assistants serve a monthly rotation as do cantors, who are usually members of the choir. Lectors serve on a weekly rotation. The Communion bread bakers provide bread for a month at a time and currently only have to bake once a year. We generally meet the third Tuesday of the month at 7 and the meeting usually lasts 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

Communication & Evangelism

The goal of this committee is to motivate, equip and support members as they witness to their faiths at every opportunity in daily life and in formal congregational programs. Special attention is focused on helping members fulfill their membership vows, the communication of the Gospel to the unchurched and bringing new members into the fellowship of the church. We welcome new members to our meetings which are held bi-monthly (dates announced in the Tidings and Happenings). 


The Property Team oversees the congregation’s facilities and grounds, making sure that they are in good condition  of the congregation’s ministries, developing both short and long term maintenance programs and recruit, equip and support members to provide for these activities.

Congregational Life

The Congregational Life committee meets the first Sunday of the month at noon in the church lounge. The Congregational Life committee coordinates all fellowship activities at Trinity and holds many fellowship events throughout the year.  The committee's goals are to make everyone feel welcome at Trinity, foster and strengthen relationships between worshipers through fellowship, and provide care for the sick and homebound.  Some of the activities that Congregational Life organizes include the church picnic, the holiday smorgasbord, lemonade on the lawn, Lenten and Advent midweek meals, a trip to Columbus Clippers baseball game, and the Father's Day breakfast.  The committee is also responsible for managing and purchasing supplies for the coffee cart in the lower lobby of the church (individuals are able to sign up to be in charge of the coffee cart on a monthly basis on the Congregational Life bulletin board).  


The Finance Committee assists the Treasurer in accounting for receipts and expenditures, preparing an annual budget, developing a consciousness within the congregation of the financial affairs of the church, and overseeing investments. Volunteers are needed to assist with counting and tracking offerings, please contact Finance Secretary, Emily Godshalk, to sign up. Financial reports are available in the church lobby or by emailing Jessie. 


The Technology Committee

This group will be tasked with assessing necessary technological upgrades to the church offices and sanctuary, and with securing grants and fundraising for them.

The Homeless Ministry Committee

This Committee will work to develop positive, mutually beneficial policies and projects for Trinity's ministry to our homeless neighbors.

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