Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
404 S. 3rd St.
Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 224-6818
Pastor, Rev. Eli Seitz
Trinity's Windows
Trinity's windows were made by the world renowned von Gerichten Art Glass Company, of Columbus, and were installed in 1917. Brothers Ludwig and Theodore von Gerichten were German immigrants who first settled near Birmingham, Alabama. Ludwig later moved to Cincinnati, to learn the art of stained glass at the Riordan Stained Glass Studio. Afterward, he operated an art glass studio in Alabama for a short while, and then persuaded Theodore to join him as business manager in a new art glass venture in Columbus. Here, they were highly successful, winning many top honors at the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904, and later opening a second studio in Munich. By the time the von Gerichten brothers parted ways in the 1930s, their company had created an estimated 1,800 stained glass windows for about 850 churches across the country. Trinity's windows are considered to be among the best examples of the von Gerichtens' work.

1st Window: NE Corner of the Sanctuary: a depiction of the Nativity, given in memory of BF Doelker by Rosa Doelker.

2nd Window: N wall of the sanctuary: A depiction of Jesus in the Temple at age 12. Given in memory of Sophia Herman.

14th Window: SW corner of the Fellowship Hall: Paired with the 13th window, it depicts Revelations 5:1-10. Here we see the harp played by the 24 elders.

1st Window: NE Corner of the Sanctuary: a depiction of the Nativity, given in memory of BF Doelker by Rosa Doelker.
The theme of our windows is the Life of Christ:
Sanctuary Windows:
The First Window depicts the Nativity. Located in the NE corner of the church, it was given in memory of BF Doelker by Rosa Doelker.
The Second Window depicts Jesus in the Temple at age 12. Located on the north wall of the sanctuary, it was given in memory of Sophia Herman.
The Third Window depicts Jesus with Children. Today it is the northwest-most window in the sanctuary. It was given to the name of God by Rosa Doelker.
The Fourth Window depicts Jesus Talking to Nicodemus. Located in the SW corner of the church and above the Choir Loft, it was given by Barbara Emmelheinz in memory of her family.
The Fifth Window depicts Jesus Walking on the Sea. Given by Mr. Nicholas Schlee.
The Sixth Window depicts the Empty Tomb. Located Given by Nicholas Schlee’s son Theodore Schlee who was owner of the Schlee Brewery after his father’s death in 1914.
The Seventh Window depicts the Road to Emmaus—Given by Nicholas and Theodore Schlee’s Mother Margarethe Schlee.
The Eighth Window depicts Jesus in the Garden. Located In the Cry Room, this window was originally placed in the NW corner of the sanctuary next to the depiction of Jesus and the Children. When the George T. Ross Educational Unit was added to the church, the window was replaced with a side entrance to the sanctuary and relocated to the Cry Room. This window is the only one in the sanctuary whose benefactor is unknown. Records show little aside from the dedication, from someone initialed KAJ in memory of their parents.
- The Ninth Window depicts the Sacrament of Baptism. Located on the left side of the main church doors, this window is not visible from the sanctuary, but viewable from 3rd Street. It was given in memory of Mr. Johannes Becker. There is a dove at the top of the window which is only visible from the balcony, which was added to the church after its initial construction. The dove represents the Holy Spirit descending during Baptism.
- The Tenth Window depicts the Sacrament of Communion—Located on the right of the main doors in what is now the Cry Room, it was given in memory of Mr. Theodor Linke, who was a prominent banker in the area, and not a member of Trinity. The top of this window depicts a cross laying on the ground and is visible indoors only from the balcony.
- The Eleventh Window depicts the Word of God. It is located in the stairwell leading to the Fellowship Hall, and was given by the Bible class of 1904.
- The Twelfth Window depicts the 10 Commandments, and is located at the far SE corner of the hall.
- The Thirteenth Window shows the Lamb from the Seal on the book sealed by the 7 Seals. Paired with the Fourteenth window, it depicts Revelations 5:1-10.
- The Fourteenth Window depicts a golden harp, as those played by the 24 elders in Revelations 5:1-10.
Special Windows:
The Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Windows depict the sacraments. Located along 3rd street and not visible in the sanctuary, these windows designed to illustrate that Trinity is made of people who have been called through the Gospel, become God’s children in Baptism, and are nourished in their faith through Holy Communion.
Windows in the Fellowship Hall:
The windows in the Fellowship Hall represent both the beginning and end of the Christian Word, with one representing God's laws given to Moses, while the other two represent important symbols from Revelations. The sentence scrolled across the top of all three windows reads “Permit the Children to come to me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.” in German.