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History of Our Church

To write about the beginning of Trinity one must go back to the year 1847. At that time gold was discovered in California, the French Nation was having their problems and finally did overthrow their king, Louis Philippe. The United States was a growing nation with quite an influx of German and Prussian immigrants coming into the new country. At that time, hundreds moved to the small central Ohio city of Columbus. There were two factions of  Protestant Christians from Europe – some were Lutherans who believed in the Holy Scriptures as interpreted in the Augsburg Confession, and others who leaned towards the teachings of Zwingli and Calvin, known generally as the founders of the Reformed Church. Because of the situation – adherents of the two beliefs coming to Columbus at the same time and settling in the south end of Columbus now known as German Village, and joining St. Paul’s at Mound and High Streets – it became necessary for the Rev. Conrad Mees, pastor of St. Paul’s to sever connections with the Lutheran Joint Synod of Ohio and Other States


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