Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
404 S. 3rd St.
Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 224-6818
Pastor, Rev. Eli Seitz
In your prayers:
All who do not know the love of God in Christ
The last, the least, the lost, & the left behind
Members of the military
First responders
Residents and leaders of our nation, state, and community
All doctors, nurses, and medical professionals, putting their lives on the line for all of us in the midst of a global pandemic
All those who suffer from addiction and abuse
All those who work towards lasting change, and an end to racial injustice and white supremacy
Bishop Elizabeth Eaton
Bishop Suzanne Dillahunt
Special Prayer:
Special prayers are requested for the following:
For all who have begun their first semester of Seminary
For Those Who Have Died:
Vivian Vaelchle, who passed away on Friday, August 26th
Earl Osbourne, whose long battle with cancer ended on Wednesday, August 31st
For Dr. Ellen O'Shaunessey, friend of Trinity and Downtowners executive officer, and her husband as the sudden passing of their son John
For Healing:
Debra Bazell
Dorothy Bazell
Frank Bazell
Nichole Botkin
Michael Cohen
Jerry Daily Jr.
Rose Dickerson
Al Faelchle
Dwight Garner
Jack Greene
Sharon Heinlein
Sheila Hively
Nancy Robinson
David Schroeder
Bev Speasmaker
Terry Tucker
Tom Wells
Patrick Workman
For Loved Ones:
Rob Wiegrig
Betty Ann Godshalk
Jason Kimbler
Laura Starkley
Meranda Hale
Bean Anderson
Leroy Parker
Shelly Kindery
Joyce Fellows
Suzie Huskey
Richard Burkhart
Christina Kilhefner
Rachel & Matt
Gary Bazell
Earl Osborne
Katharine Ferrard
Carol Smith
Alva Pingel
Nancy Wall
Caleb Tompsett
Jim Hegarty
Greg Orlady
David Kimmerle
Mother of Sheila Hively
Daughter of Katherine
Dave Moore
Roger Finkenbine
Gabe Baumgardner
Anner Flores
Roy Finkenbine
Don Landwehr
(stepson of Nora)
(mother of Emily)
(son of John and Doreen)
(daughter of Peg)
(girlfriend of Jacob Kilhefner)
(father in law of Camille McAloney)
(our neighbor and a guardian angel, for health)
(relative of Pat Bennett)
(daughter in law of Betty Bayse)
(friend of Janet Robertson)
(sister of David Huskey)
(brother of Lin Burkhart)
(daughter in law of Robert, transplant)
(friend of Dorothy Bazell, cancer)
(granddaughter of Dorothy, death of son Wyatt)
(Brother of Frank Bazell, COVID-19)
(father of Katherine Hunt)
(friend of Donna Bowman, Florida nurse)
(Friend of Sarah Leake, lung treatment)
(potential COVID-19)
(stepfather of Camille McAloney)
(Aunt of Camille McAloney, continued health)
(nephew of James Tompsett, brain cancer surgery)
(Friend of Sarah Leake, heart surgery)
(Friend of Sharon Thacker, surgery)
(Friend and neighbor, for work and health)
(Brother of John Kimmerle, neck surgery)
(friend of Beth Tucker, cancer)
(friend of Sarah Leake, COVID-19)
(Brother of Jan Leach)
(Brother of Jan Leach)
(Uncle of Wes Anderson, end of life care)
Our Homebound Family:
Betty Bayse, Frank Engle, Robert Forks, Carol Schmidt, Arlene Dykeman
If you have a prayer concern you'd like added to our list please contact the church office at